Company News
07 / 11 / 2023

KALLAS INCORPORATIΟN Growth Pioneer at the Growth Awards 2023

KALLAS INCORPORATION was awarded the Growth Pioneer accolade, making it to the top 15 of most dynamic corporations in Greece

“The annual Awards of Growth and Competitiveness, called “Growth Awards”, were conducted for the 7th consecutive year by Eurobank and Grant Thornton.  The Award ceremony took place in “Christos Labrakis” Venue of the Athens Concert Hall on Wednesday the 1st of November 2023.

The Growth Awards institution rewards excellence of corporations that combine strong financial performance with a successful business trajectory, having a profound contribution in shaping entrepreneurship and corporate culture in Greece.

The selection of winners was concluded by the Awards Committee, that consists of 20 exceptional members of the corporate and academic community, by drawing information from both published financial statements and qualitative sources for more than 8.000 companies that operate in Greece.

KALLAS INCORPORATION was awarded the Growth Pioneer accolade, making it to the top 15 of most dynamic corporations in Greece that qualified to the final stage of the Awards and stood out for their performance and contribution to the progress of corporate landscape.

The conquest of the Growth Pioneer Award, along with that of the Greek Business Champion Award last summer, bears testament of the company’s position as No1 commercial company in the food sector in Greece (excluding retailers)”.